Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Auntie Tarra Again!!!

If there is anything new and exciting that is going on it happened to me! I am going to be Auntie Tarra again!!!! My sis Michelle is pregnant again I think 6 weeks and it is such an exciting time! I can't wait to meet this new baby and Lord willing it's a girl. Need a girl in the fam. I know the 4 of us girls were a lot but now Shells needs one too! Lets share the love...

Attitude check?

Okay, so I have been confronted lately that I always appear to be upset. I don't mean to have that appearance but I guess it kind of just happens. My dad says that if I don't smile when I'm just looking at someone that it looks like I'm angry. Wow, I can't believe that I have been going around with people thinking that I'm mad. I know sometimes that I am in a bad mood because I don't ever get enough sleep since I work midnight shift and I'm edgy. I get irritated easily but don't mean to. I am not happy about finding out that my face looks and appears upset but I guess now that I am aware of this I can fix the problem. So to everyone who reads this that has had an encounter with me thinking I was in a bad mood, or that I was upset at them, I am so sorry and didn't purpose to make you feel bad or uncomfortable.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Piano break = boredom

I have just 2 more weeks left until my instructor goes on vaca and I am so bumbed but at the same time I am excited that I get to have a break from it all. It is so hard to always have to practice all the time mostly because I don't have the time since I work midnights.
I think that I am going to have my nephew Caleb start coming with me to lessons. We will have our lessons consecutively since Adam lives an hour away from me. Caleb has expressed that he wants to learn and you know me, I will encourage anyone to play the piano. It is the hardest instrument to learn but the most beautiful. I know he will do very well. I have already told him he is going to start coming with me. His first question was, on your first lesson did you already know how to play everything? No baby I said, he will teach you. :)

Friday, June 8, 2007

Sleeping @ work

Have you ever fallen asleep at work? Haha. Well, I have done it too many times and it is sort of funny when it happens. Like last night, or really 5:30 am today, i fell asleep at fire channel for about 15min. my friend Tony was up there and he took out his tazer gun and made the clicking sound. Jen said I jumped out of my chair and then I slapped my hand over my eyes and said I had a dream that we were all stuck at the stop sign. LOL. When I finally woke up and we were walking downstairs, Jen told me what I said again and when I realized what I did cause I tend to talk crazily when I just wake, I was laughing histarically. Ahhh, good times!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

SWAT Call Out!

The night before last was amazing and I always have this gut feeling when something will explode at work because whenever I sit down at Main Channel it starts to get busy and then I always say why am I cursed at Main? I start work at 10pm and at 10:05 I look at my friend Luciana and tell her I have a bad feeling about Main tonight are you sure I can't work Fire channel, with a whine. She looks at me and says no I want to stay here. :) Well, around 11:45pm we get this call of possibly a domestic. Turns out an hour into the call my Seargents started to show up there and pretty soon I hear in my ear at 1:15am...D215..Call Out SWAT. I was freaking out because out of my year of dispatching I have never worked a Swat Call. We ended up being there for 6 hours. Although Luciana and I were supposed to switch channels at 2am I refused to get up because I wanted to work it. I typed every single word that came out of SWAT's mouth and when the gas deployment was in progress that was the highlight of the night. I had fun. I think I ran and took one bathroom break. haha. I think Luciana is a bit bitter towards me for not letting her work the Swat call but whatever, I was on Main first!