Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Attitude check?

Okay, so I have been confronted lately that I always appear to be upset. I don't mean to have that appearance but I guess it kind of just happens. My dad says that if I don't smile when I'm just looking at someone that it looks like I'm angry. Wow, I can't believe that I have been going around with people thinking that I'm mad. I know sometimes that I am in a bad mood because I don't ever get enough sleep since I work midnight shift and I'm edgy. I get irritated easily but don't mean to. I am not happy about finding out that my face looks and appears upset but I guess now that I am aware of this I can fix the problem. So to everyone who reads this that has had an encounter with me thinking I was in a bad mood, or that I was upset at them, I am so sorry and didn't purpose to make you feel bad or uncomfortable.

1 comment:

allhisblessings said...

I never thought you were angry with me! But you know, I'm proud of you for taking constructive criticism well. Sometimes it's hard to hear those words and actually change. You rock!